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Living peak adventure: find routes that rock

SuuntoRun — 28 stycznia 2022

With a GPS watch from Suunto, a world of adventure is at your fingertips. Learn to find, create and navigate routes that’ll keep you stoked.

At Suunto, our purpose is to help you have unforgettable outdoor experiences. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to find, create and navigate trails that simply rock. 

So we’ve put together the Living Peak Adventure series so everything you need to know is all in one place. We’ll cover:

  1. How to find hot routes with Suunto app heatmaps 
  2. How to find popular starting points
  3. How to create your own routes
  4. How to share your routes with friends
  5. How to navigate a route outdoors

Master this, and your best adventures are still waiting!

Find hot routes with Suunto app heatmaps

Imagine you’ve moved across town or to a new city altogether and you’re looking for some sweet local spots to go mountain biking or trail running, Suunto app heatmaps will show you what’s hot with the locals. 


Suunto app heatmap 3D view and Suunto 5 Peak navigation view.

You can view Suunto heatmaps also in 3D!


Based on millions of workouts, Heatmaps highlight the most frequented training spots for more than 16 sports in locations around the world. Just select the activity type for your heatmap, whether trail running, cycling, swimming and so on, and the more our community works out somewhere, the brighter the lines in our maps become (each sport has its own color), making it easy for you to see where to head next.  There are five map styles for you to toggle between, depending on your sport, season and what you are looking for. 

You can also use heatmaps to identify locations not so popular with our community if you are searching for somewhere quieter or less frequented to go. Look for duller colored lines. 

How to use Suunto app heatmaps

First, open Suunto app on your device, then open the map by tapping the location pointer icon on the bottom right corner.  Now select the heatmap layer for your sport or activity type and choose your preferred map style. Zoom in to look more closely at particular trails or areas of interest. The brighter the lines, the more popular those routes are. 

Switch from 2D to 3D

You can also switch between a standard 2D map and a 3D map. The former gives you an overview of the location and the popular routes, while the latter, when you zoom in, gives a better sense of the topography - hills, valley and mountains and so on. 

Suunto app heatmaps 2D and 3D views

Switch between 3D and 2D maps and different map layers to get the most out of heatmaps.


Whether you select the 2D or 3D map, you can zoom in and create your own route. Simply tap the plus symbol on the lower right side and tap where on the map you’d like your route to start. Then keep tapping on the map where you’d like your route to extend to. Suunto app will calculate the distance, vertical meters and estimated duration and present it at the bottom of the screen as you create your route.  As you build it, you can switch between different map styles, 2D and 3D, and with heatmaps on and off.

Once you are ready, save your route, sync it to your Suunto watch and get out there!


Learn more about the navigation features, map styles and routes with the Suunto app 🔺

Stay tuned for the rest of the five part series to learn how to live peak adventure with your watch from Suunto!