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Community-powered training tunes

SuuntoRun — 8 maja 2024

We asked the Suunto community for your favorite training music. Here’s what you listen to as two Spotify playlists!

In the pursuit of peak performance, the right playlist can be just as essential as the perfect pair of sneakers or a well-balanced meal. Understanding the profound impact music has on our workouts, we turned to the Suunto community for their ultimate training anthems. 

The result? Two electrifying compilations curated directly from their recommendations: one pulsating with fast, energetic rhythms to fuel the most intense workouts, and the other, a collection of smooth, easy-listening melodies crafted to accompany moments of serene focus and recovery. 

Dive into the beats that inspire, motivate, and elevate our training sessions below!


Fast-paced training music by Suunto Community

We asked you delivered: These power songs get the Suunto community through the tough workouts.


Easy-paced training music by Suunto Community

We asked you delivered: These chill songs get the Suunto community's workouts to flow smoothly.