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Play your adventures back in 3D in Suunto app!

SuuntoSki — 2022年1月5日水曜日

Get a realistic view of your adventures with 3D playback in Suunto app.

Last fall we introduced 3D maps in Suunto app so you can plan and review your tracks on a 3D map. Now we've taken this further - you can now enjoy your adventures as 3D video animations. Simply go to your activity, hit the play button, and enjoy the views.

Hit the play button in Suunto app to play your adventures back in Suunto app!

Hit the play button in Suunto app to play your adventures back in Suunto app!


Share a 3D map animation

If you want your friends to experience your trip, share a link to the activity with them and they will be able to see a 3D animation as well – even on big screen. To share an activity, tap the sharing icon and select ‘Share link to activity’. Add a description and photos to enhance the experience and to tell the full story.

To see how those shared activities look, follow along on a 117-kilometer ski tour with Greg Hill here!