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Go explore! Enter the Dream Traverse Video Contest

SuuntoRun — 2015年9月15日火曜日

Curiosity drives us to seek out and discover new places, but it's the confidence of finding our way that encourages us to step off the beaten track. A traverse refers to travelling across or through - it is an expression of a physical adventure, but also a mental journey: facing fears, learning about yourself and gaining confidence to navigate in the unknown territories. 

Is it the challenge, curiosity or the joy of nature that encourages you to step off the beaten track? 

Share a video that explains or shows where your dream traverse takes you. The video can be simple, touching, bombastic or straight to the point - let your imagination run free. We'll make the winner's dream come true!*

To enter, upload your video to Youtube by October 8th, include #SuuntoTraverse in the title and share the link with us by filling the form below. The video can be up to 2 minutes long. Three most viewed videos and three of Suunto ambassadors' favorites will make it to the final in October. Out of these six videos, a winner will be chosen by a vote. 

Time to get creative! 

*Read the contest terms & conditions