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How can I get voice feedback from Suunto app?

If your phone is nearby and it is connected to your Suunto watch during your training, Suunto app can provide you with Voice feedback, informing you when you change heart rate zone and when autolaps are triggered.

To use and customize voice feedback, scroll down to the sport mode options from the sport mode landing page, before pressing “start”. You will find the “voice feedback” option. Select it by tapping on the display or pressing the middle button, and you will be able to toggle it on or off:



When selecting Voice Feedback, you can also choose which feedbacks to receive:

  • Heart rate zone: the phone will inform you when you change heart rate zone, informing you the new heart rate zone and your heart rate.
  • Autolap: the phone will inform you when an autolap is created, along with relevant information (such as average heart rate or average pace, depending on the sport mode).

Voice feedback.png

You can adjust the volume of the voice feedback by adjusting the main volume settings of your phone.

NOTE: Voice feedback via Suunto app is only available while using Suunto 9 Peak Pro or Suunto Vertical.