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Suunto Summit is a celebration or our community and our shared passion for sports and the outdoors.

Since 2016, for a weekend each year we’ve invited Suunto fans from around the world to join us in our own back yard. During the Summit weekend, we do workshops together, meet Suunto team members and visit our factory at Suunto HQ outside Helsinki. We run trail races together or do sport adventures, stay in cabins in the forest, and of course enjoy some sauna.

The Suunto Summit is a small, intimate event that seeks to build deeper connections across our diverse community.


On January 16-19, 2020, we will host the next Suunto Summit. The weekend with begin at our global HQ with intros, workshops and a tour of our factory. We will then take an overnight train to Lapland and spend the weekend exploring the Finnish winter by cross-country skis, fatbikes and snowshoes as well as learning about the unique natural environment of the fells around Ylläs.

There will only be a few hours of daylight at this time of year, and we will make the most of them! Keep in mind it can be quite cold In January - even down to -30 degrees Celsius or -22 Fahrenheit!


Are you a Suunto fan? Does the Summit sound like a great way to spend a weekend?! The deal is, if you can get here (to Helsinki), we’ll take care of the rest.

The participants for Suunto Summit 2020 have been selected. You can enjoy the public blog posts / photos / videos made by the applicants, just look for the hashtags #suuntosummit #visitfinland #protectourwinters #visityllas.


We are thrilled to be working with Visit Finland, Protect our Winters (POW Finland) and Visit Ylläs to make this a memorable weekend for all. We appreciate their support and collaboration.


