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5 tips to be a consistent runner

SuuntoRun — 30 มิถุนายน 2563

A positive mindset, along with planning and accountability are key, says our coach. 

The feeling of freedom, of almost floating across the earth, is one of the main reasons we run. Those sometimes elusive runner’s highs make all the hard training worthwhile.

Getting to that point, when running feels effortless and liberating, takes consistency. Without it, we stay at a level that involves more perseverance than inspiration. Becoming consistent takes our running to another level.

In this first article in the Suunto Summer Challenge on Map My Run, happening throughout July, we explore what it takes to become a consistent runner. Read on for sage advice from the Marathon Whisperer, and get out training to reach new badge levels to be in to win one of four Suunto 7 GPS smartwatches.


To participate in the Suunto Summer Challenge all you need to do is sync your Suunto App with Map My Run, and start logging workouts. Full details here


© Graeme Murray/Red Bull Content Pool

Ask the Marathon Whisperer!

Runner and coach Denise Sauriol – nicknamed the“Marathon Whisperer” – is here to help you find your running consistency. No one can question her dedication – she has run 117 marathons! Denise is a certified running coach and the author of the book, Me, You & 26.2, a guide to running your first marathon.

Whether you are just getting started with running or coming back after taking some time off, here are five tips to ignite your training and keep the fire burning!

Plan your training

Training plans provide focus, but it’s hard to design one without having a race or a goal on the horizon. Running without having a goal to shoot for is like studying without having to take a final exam. You are going to be more likely to run if you know you have a race or goal down the road. Your plan will give you short term objectives (daily runs and recovery days) and a long term goal to focus on.

Extra tip: Make sure your plan isn’t too easy or too hard, but just right.

Make running a priority

Running or any exercise for that matter is an investment in yourself. Make your runs official appointments in your calendar. Treat it just like you would a doctor’s appointment. If you don’t schedule it and make it official, you are more likely to let other to-dos take up your run time. To minimize the chance of missing your run, lace up and head out the door first thing in the morning. Even better is to head out for your run before looking at your phone in the morning.

Make a public commitment

Once you sign up for a race or set yourself a goal, tell your friends and family about it. Without them even knowing it, they will be accountability buddies for you as they are likely to ask you about your training throughout the season and ask you about race day. Knowing these questions could come next time you see them will keep you on your toes.

Find a running partner

This not only helps the miles go by, but also helps to keep you more accountable. If you are new to running and or new to your area, check out your local running store as most of them have group fun runs where you are bound to find someone with a similar pace. If you can’t find anyone to run with, bring an e-partner with you to help the miles go by, for example, music, podcasts or audibles.

With the Suunto 7 GPS smartwatch you can connect your headphones to your phone and control music and other audio – adjust volume, pause and skip tracks – straight from your wrist without taking your phone out of your pocket. You can also listen without your phone – the Suunto 7 can store thousands of tracks so you can play your favorite songs or other audio on the go.

Before your next run, load up the three playlists on our Spotify channel prepared by the Mambo Brothers: chilled, upbeat and intense!

Be packed and ready

Whether you are running first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or after work, pack your running gear the night before so it’s one less thing to worry about when you are ready, set and raring to go!

This article is the first in the Suunto Summer Challenge on Map My Run this July. The challenge is all about creating a workout routine and sticking with it!


Lead images:

© Joerg Mitter for Wings for Life World Run

Photo by Andrew Heald on Unsplash