Suunto's decompression model development originates from the 1980s when Suunto implemented Bühlmann's model based on M-values in Suunto SME. Since then research and development has been ongoing with the help of both external and internal experts.
In the late 1990s, Suunto implemented Dr. Bruce Wienke's RGBM (Reduced Gradient Bubble Model) bubble model to work with the earlier M-value based model. The first commercial products with the feature were the iconic Suunto Vyper and Suunto Stinger. With these products the improvement of diver safety was significant as they addressed a number of diving circumstances outside the range of dissolved-gas-only models by:
In Suunto Fused™ RGBM the tissue half-times are derived from Wienke’s FullRGBM where human body is modeled by fifteen different tissue groups. FullRGBM can utilize these additional tissues and model the on-gassing and off-gassing more accurately. The amounts of nitrogen and helium on-gassing and off-gassing in the tissues are calculated independently from each other.
The advantage of Suunto Fused RGBM is additional safety through its ability to adapt to a wide variety of situations. For recreational divers it may offer slightly longer no- deco times, depending on the chosen personal setting. For open-circuit technical divers it allows use of gas mixes with helium - on deeper and longer dives helium based gas mixes provide shorter ascent times. And finally, for rebreather divers the Suunto Fused RGBM algorithm gives the perfect tool to be used as a non-monitoring, set point dive computer.