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Suunto 9 User Guide


Recovery time is an estimate in hours of how long your body needs to recuperate after training. The time is based on the duration and intensity of your recorded activities, as well as your overall fatigue.

Recovery time accumulates from all types of exercise. In other words, you accumulate recovery time on long, low intensity training session as well as at high intensity.

The time is cumulative across training sessions, so if you train again before the time has expired, the newly accumulated time is added to the remainder from your previous training session.

To view your recovery time, from the watch face, swipe up or press the lower right button until you see the training and recovery display. Tap to toggle between training and recovery.

Recovery Time

Because recovery time is an estimation only, the accumulated hours count down steadily regardless of your fitness level or other individual factors. If you are very fit, you may recover faster than estimated. On the other hand, if you have the flu, for example, your recovery may be slower than estimated.