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Face to Face with Conrad Stoltz, #SuuntoAdventure Video Series Episode 5

SuuntoRun — 4 de juny 2015

In the fifth episode of #SuuntoAdventure Video Series four time XTERRA world champion Conrad Stoltz talks about going fast, suffering and over 25 years of competing in triathlon.

Face to Face with Conrad Stoltz, #SuuntoAdventure Video Series Episode 5

Watch also the other episodes in the series:

Face to Face with Emelie Forsberg – #SuuntoAdventure Video Series, Episode 1

Face to Face with Greg Hill – #SuuntoAdventure Video Series, Episode 2

Face to Face with Kilian Jornet – #SuuntoAdventure Video Series, Episode 3

Face to Face with William Trubridge – #SuuntoAdventure Video Series, Episode 4