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Knowledge is power – the starting point for all diving are the skills acquired during your dive training. The more you dive the better you can maintain and improve those skills. Developing your diving skills also means understanding how to stay safe in the water. The more experience you get, the more you can enjoy your underwater adventures.  In addition, having an understanding of what's going on inside your dive computer will help improve your confidence while diving.


When diving, there is always a possibility to get decompression sickness (DCS) but you can reduce the risk by following the safety instructions , taking care of your equipment correctly and having access to vital information: dive depth, dive time and remaining gas. A dive computer knows your dive history and calculates accordingly in real-time during the dive. Make sure that you know your computer and have it set up as you want before getting into the water. Use the personal setting of your Suunto dive computer to adjust the algorithm conservatism to fit your DCS susceptibility.


At the heart of every Suunto dive computer is an algorithm – the reduced gradient bubble model (RGBM) – that calculates decompression for a dive. Suunto’s modelling has for decades adopted the latest scientific know-how and theories to ensure that divers have the best possible algorithm in use. The advantage of the Suunto Fused RGBM algorithm developed together with Dr. Bruce Wienke is its ability to adapt to a wide variety of situations.

When we dive, inert gases – such as nitrogen, which our body doesn’t need – are dissolving into the bloodstream. At any given point, even when you’re on dry land, your veins and arteries have microbubbles filled with these gases. When small, they’re of no consequence. But when they expand, they begin to limit your body’s ability to expel nitrogen. The deeper you dive, the greater a risk factor the microbubbles potentially become. Microbubbles are factored into Suunto RGBM algorithms: dive computer will force you to decrease your ascent rate when microbubbles are starting to become an issue.


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