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How do I get started with the Suunto app?

Suunto app the future of our digital services and where our community connects. 

Before you get started: 

All of the watches (Ambit onwards) have a way to connect to the app:

  • either via Bluetooth: Ambit3, Traverse, Spartan, and Suunto 3,5,7, and 9. 
  • or via USB cable and SuuntoLink: Ambit and Ambit2, but also Ambit3 and Traverse collections as an addition to the Bluetooth sync. 

Getting started: 

  1. Download the Suunto app for your iOS or Android phone and create a new account (if you do not have one already). Alternatively, you can use an already existing Sports Tracker account. 
  2. Pair your watch with the app and get acquainted with the new interface and all of the great customizing features the Suunto app has to offer. The app is fairly easy to navigate: the lower icon bar will guide you through the main options, such as Home, your Profile and your training & daily insights and Maps to create exciting new routes for your activities. 

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How to connect and sync via Bluetooth: 

  • Pair your device to the Suunto app. After the watch and the phone are connected, the sync of information starts automatically. 
  • Tap the watch icon in the upper part of the app screen and check out the sync progress. 
  • All the synced information will be available in your Diary. By tapping any exercise you can check the in-detail information of your training. 
  • The sync between your watch and your phone starts automatically when you open the app provided the Bluetooth of both your phone and watch is activated and they are in the working range. 

How to connect and sync via USB cable and SuuntoLink:

In case you own an Ambit (1,2,3) or a Traverse watch after you have created an account, these are the next steps to follow:

  • Download, install and open SuuntoLink on your computer. 
  • Connect your watch to your computer via the supplied USB cable.
  • SuuntoLink will recognize your device and will ask for your Suunto app credentials in case you have unsynced exercises. 

Note: You can only Log in with an already created Suunto app account (see above). You cannot create a new account in SuuntoLink.